November 2019

2019 has been a remarkable year filled with challenges, but many, many blessings. How one ends something is as important as how one begins something. We are ending 2019 well with several baptisms, great Spirit-filled worship, several outreach and evangelistic events, and a steady, solid financial basis. I praise the Lord for His good and many graces in our lives both individually and as a body of believers.

We can end 2019 well by…

  • Continued and better attendance, Heb. 10:24-25
  • Embracing the joy of giving, 2 Cor. 9:6-15
  • Increasing our hunger for God’s Word, Mt. 4:4
  • Embracing a desire to be a witness, Acts 1:8
  • Realizing the importance of the Body of Christ
  • Praying persistently, 1 Thess. 5:17
  • And, seeking unity in the Church for One Purpose: to make much of Jesus!

When we do these things God is glorified, His Church is unified, and the saints are edified and uplifted. Let’s embrace and obey God’s way.

Pastor Kevin