Inglewood Baptist Church (IBC) is one of the most vibrant, versatile, and eclectic body of believers that exists in the city of Nashville. Established in 1923 at a small home on Shelton Avenue with a membership of thirty believers, Inglewood has had a rich history over the years. In the late 1920’s the congregation started meeting at its current location (3901 Gallatin Road) in what was called the Basement Church (a basement auditorium on the lot where Inglewood’s present auditorium is located). Slowly, but surely, Inglewood Baptist Church was being built – one soul at a time, one brick at a time. Under the leadership of Dr. Kevin Shrum (IBC’s 7th and current pastor), Inglewood Baptist Church has developed a renewed vision of outreach and growth, both to the community and within the membership itself. Come and see!

- First meeting of Inglewood Baptist Church – November 18, 1923
- Inglewood Baptist Church officially “called to order” – March 18, 1924
- Began meeting in the “basement church” – June 22, 1924
- Current auditorium completed – 1948
- Second and third floor educational facilities completed – 1952
- Four story educational complex completed – 1955
- Allegro School of Music instituted – 1997
- $1.4 million renovation project begun – 1998
- Renovation debt paid in full – April 2009
- Youth Building renovation completed – Summer 2016
- 100th Anniversary Celebration – March 9 & 10, 2024
IBC’s Pastors Through the Years:
- Rev. William McMurray (1926-1929)
- Rev. Rufus Beckett (1929-1942)
- Rev. J. Harold Stephens (1942-1962)
- Rev. James D. Hopkins (1963-1980)
- Rev. Kerney L. Bailey (1981-1994)
- Dr. Kevin L. Shrum (1995 – present)

- Saturday, March 9, 6-9 p.m. – Celebration Concert with No Other Name, John Morgan, and Michael Card, followed by refreshments and fellowship
- Sunday, March 10, 8:30-11:30 a.m – coffee and light refreshments in fellowship hall, followed by Worship Service
- Please call the church office at 615-228-2546 or visit the church Facebook page here for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!