If you are a member of IBC, you might be asking, “How do I get involved?” or, “How do I serve?”
The answer is simple, just take the next step. We believe that being part of a local church is a critical role for every follower of Christ. Below are three simple steps to getting involved.
Step One: Worship God. We worship God by encountering Him in both personal (daily) and corporate (weekly) worship. At IBC, we take the Word of God seriously, and it is our desire to give you the opportunity to engage in worship and teaching from the Word of God. Preaching and corporate worship take place on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
Step Two: Love the Church. We love each other by fellowshipping, serving one another, using our spiritual gifts, and getting involved in small groups and Bible studies. At IBC, there are groups for every age and walk of life. Find your place to “plug-in” and serve in the Body of Christ.
Step Three: Reach Out. We impact the world by preaching the Gospel and living out our faith to those around us. There are opportunities for Gospel outreach, evangelism, and missions both locally in our community and globally to all nations.
Come and see how YOU can be used for God’s glory to impact others with the Gospel!